Quote: @ Hirnwirbel, as i said, i, personally, dont have any coding skills unfortunatly, i dont have the intellect required.
if i am going to do a gameplay prototype, and i think i am going to need to in order to hook a Publisher (ive got devs queing round the block, but, no publisher, no ones got the guts..)as its been a LONG time since this kind of game was made, 2006 at the latest, then i am going to need to borrow a crew of modders who are willing to act professionally, will not argue with my gameplay mechanic decisions, and can make a damn good job of it , you dont attract publishers with badly made demos.
Yes - no publisher will even consider financing you if you don't have at least a prototype. Hell, most wouldn't even publish your project if it was
finished, because they prefer devs with experience and established IPs. Just saying man, its a harsh world out there...
Anyway. So basically you want to have the job of Game Designer and Vision Keeper in your team... mind you, there's nothing wrong with that - if you're a good Game Designer. I can't know if you are, and it is not my job to judge that. All I know is that there are many people out there who underestimate the amount of skill and knowledge that job requires.
So just saying - Game Design is
not just about having some neat ideas and telling the team what to do. Its also not just about thinking up nice stories and settings. It has many different forms and specialisations, but first and foremost it is a form of system design. And that is hard as hell.
A rule of thumb I've heard from professional Game Designers is this: If you're able to create a board- or cardgame that's fun and engaging, you'll probably also be good at designing other games. If not - well then you may have misinterpreted the job description...
Well, basically, all I'm saying is this: With the way you're presenting your project to potential developers, you'll have to make sure that you don't come across as that lazy guy who let's others do the hard work of making his ideas come true. (I'm not saying you ARE - just be careful, 'kay? ) If you want to keep the policy of "my decisions are law, because its my project", well you better make sure you earn and keep the respect of your team by doing actual game design work.
Unless of course you're paying a bunch of freelancers. In that case you can freely decide what they should provide you with.