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Penumbra Black Plague causing blue screen
Robby Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago RE: Penumbra Black Plague causing blue screen

(10-28-2012, 01:56 PM)Contrarium Wrote: It doen't blue screen anymore, now it just crashes the game when I try to start it up. I found one dmp file, but when I try attaching it here it says "The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type."
Place it into a winzip or winrar package, then attach that.

Infrequently active. Don't expect an immediate response. Best to contact me at a different locale. If I create a thread, expect me to be quite active.
10-28-2012, 02:53 PM
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RE: Penumbra Black Plague causing blue screen - by Robby - 10-28-2012, 02:53 PM

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