please, guys, ive got mechant on block, for the good of my funny bone, kindly dont put up his posts, ill bust a lung laughing at his pathetic ineptitude, mind numbing moronity, and sheer unbridled hypocrisy (sings the praises of MMS, then calls me a troll, sorry, but in my dictionary, liking MMS is the biggest troll trait of the lot) if i see another one of them. thanks.
checked my games collection this morning. found a real old gem, one of the first FPS games to have objectives and a Storyline, "Star wars: Dark Forces". anyone else got this one? or at least its sequal, Jedi Knight? what do you quys think of them, i love them, i feel the capture the proper star wars universe fantastically (im one of these "hardcore" star wars nuts who rank episodes 1 2 and 3 as non cannon and only recognise the original triology of episodes 4 5 and 6. even if i personally always think of BTAS/TNBA Joker before Luke Skywalker when i think of Mark Hamill.), have great gameplay, with fantastic doom style blasting, clever level design, great puzzles, and interesting and varied objectives, superb sound effects, and they really moved thw FPS on, helping to usher in the silver era of the genre, perhaps my favourite era of the 2.
(12-27-2012, 11:35 PM)Kman Wrote: Did you seriously just accuse Tetris of turning into a CoD clone ded I am ded.
no k man, im just saying i would not be suprised if EA slapped the tetris name onto a cod clone at some point in the future, (now they have axed nu-moh due to warfarters deserved flopping, they need a new ip to replace it), thinking no one in the games purchasing community now would remember the originals (as they think everyone is 12 years old, from Mid west ohio, and on xbox360) and would snaffle it up thinking it was a new MMS IP. thats just the sort of thing i imagine EA doing. they aint called Evil Alliance for nothing, come on, they even slapped the NFS (only the first 6 games get the full wording from me) name onto a cod clone (teh runz), so, why not the tetris name?
theres a point, when was the LAST good EA published game? i say 2005, Timesplitters: future perfect. what would you say? speaking of Splitters, i am VERY suprised no one has mentioned them yet!
also, what? no one likes Midi music? come on fellahs!