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Everything's blue, graphics help please!
Damian Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months, 2 Weeks ago RE: Everything's blue, graphics help please!

I know, totally bizarre and random, right?
I poked around at the Graphics section of the Options before making the post here, the only thing that made any significant change was the Sepia option, and really that just brightened things up a little and pulled it out of being really dark blue. No change to the color swap though, checked the other options one by one with restarts in between, no changes either. I didn't think to try different resolutions though, so I'm going to give that a whack and I'll let you know how it turns out Smile
Hadn't touched any editing aspects at all, just the generic Start New Game part.
Also, it's the only game I've got that's acting oddly, I have several other games on Steam and they're all just fine, last finished playing Bard's Tale, no probs there. Anyhoo, back to the resolution/windowed vs full screen checking.

Okay so there's good news/bad news on the blueness. Turns out the suggestion did work, mostly! It took some dedicated picking through the different resolutions, (I'd only looked at a few before this), and found the point where the blue comes and goes. Bad news is it just happens to be at the resolution that actually fits my screen in Full Screen mode. Sad In Windowed mode, (which I didn't try at all before this), I can use any resolution and there's no blue effect. That's good news, but damn, windowed mode!
Like I said in my first post, I'm a Mac newb, do either of you happen to know of a way to hide the uh... the dock down at the bottom of the screen? I know how to make it tiny, but naturally a monster is going to jump around the corner, scare the crap out of me, and instead of fleeing while screaming like a girl, I'm going to end up opening WoW and get killed Cool

Oh also, another newb question, how do I go about reinstalling my game? I know other stuff I just trash it and that's it but I haven't done that with a Steam game. Do I just search in Finder for Amnesia and then move that to the trash? I didn't want to THINK I know what I'm doing and end up hosing the whole damned thing and have to ask even sillier questions Smile
Also, thanks for the help, much much much appreciated.
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2013, 05:16 PM by Damian.)
01-07-2013, 04:51 PM

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RE: Everything's blue, graphics help please! - by Damian - 01-07-2013, 04:51 PM

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