(02-07-2013, 02:45 AM)nackidno Wrote: Don't get me wrong, I think JRPGs are great for what it is (just look at it's popularity, it's by no means bad objectively) I just don't like them and I don't think they are RPGs by the real meaning of the word RPG, it's to create your own role in a world that is given to you, not to be given a role, because that's a whole different thing. I'm not bashing JRPGs as a genre, I'm bashing it as RPG.
That is where I would tend to disagree.
Role Playing Game means you play a role. I understand where you are coming from; however, I tend to think of it as such:
JRPG - You are playing the role of a main character who has his/her story laid out in fate in front of him. You are playing as him, as if he were you. You meet characters along the way. You are playing a role in the story that has already been decided.
The story is provided, it's essentially a fun storybook with the ability to customize, explore, choose, etc. Usually a little bit on the linear side, unless you are talking about something like Xenoblade, Shadow of the Colossus, Chrono series, //.hack series, etc.
ARPG - You are playing the role of a character of your choice. The story isn't laid out for you, you find your story. The game only continues when you continue it, if you can find it (hinting to Daggerfall, Morrowind and Fallout 3). Oblivion was a little less obscure, Skyrim handed it to you on a silver platter. You decide everything, but your role in the story may not necessarily be a strong one (hinting to most of the Fallout series).
You find the story, it's more like real-life.