(11-30-2008, 09:25 PM)Petike Wrote: Umbra Wrote:Well, I think there is no reason to make a film based on Penumbra. Penumbra is more than video game - it's more like a book with good story and philosophic end, last letter of Philip is a real revelation,,,
I fully agree on that, Umbra. To be honest, Penumbra would not be good source material for a movie. And if someone nonetheless came up with an ASB idea of making one, it would have to be more of a indie horror to be interesting at all...
Besides, movies based on games and games based on movies usualy... SUCK... I think the main reason for that, is the fact that one medium tries to compete with the other in presentation or storytelling... and fails... 
mhmm, yeah, i mean, every single game based movie has gotten under 2.5 out of 5.
Tomb Raider
you name it, they're all crappy. Last i heard, the following games are going to be made into movies:
Bioshock - early stages
Lost planet - very early stages
Prince of persia - sands of time- early to mid development.
God forbid...