Hey mate, I wanted to do a FC CS in grayscale using one of your effects, and I cannot seem to get it working..
I have done all you said here:
(01-02-2013, 08:33 PM)TheGreatCthulhu Wrote: The archive modified_posteffect_color_conv_tex_frag.zip contains the modified shader program. Go to redist\core\shaders, and create a backup of posteffect_color_conv_tex_frag.glsl, then extract the corresponding file from the archive to the same folder, replacing the original.
Now go to redist\textures\effects, and backup the colorconv_sepia.tga file. Download modified_colorconv_sepia.zip, and extract the image file to replace the original one.
That's it.
The effects.zip archive contains colorconv tga-s I used to create the screenshots above. Create some separate folder and extract them. To use one as an effect, you must rename it to colorconv_sepia.tga, and make sure that your full conversion loads it before anything else (by specifying its path as the first entry in the FC's resources.cfg).
Then run the main game or a custom story and invoke the sepia effect (say by calling the FadeSepiaColorTo() script function), to see the new effect.
And still cannot get it to work smoothly. In my <mapname>.hps file, the player begins inside of a script block which calls the FadeSepiaColorTo() script like this:
FadeSepiaColorTo(1.0, 0.001f);
Am I missing something? If needed I can jump on something like TeamViewer or Skype to share screens so you can assist