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Is Penumbra Collection on DVD patched?
wkduffy Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago RE: Is Penumbra Collection on DVD patched?

OK, thanks for the info. My original Q was whether or not I have to patch the Penumbra Collection on DVD at all, or if it came prepatched. (Because it was newly released, I would think they would be the latest already-patched versons, but maybe not.) But now I get how the patches work with these games. For other PC games, you patch them (which overwrites some files in the game directory), but you still use the original exe to run the game. But it sounds like in this case the patches run separately and can be installed anywhere. So I am assuming you start up the game, and then run the patch separately. And yes, I do have the latest patches.

But if anyone does know if the newly released collection on DVD is already prepatched, please let me know. I am sort of surprsied this info isn't more easily obtained or more clearly advertised.
Spoke too soon. Installed patches, game won't run (says to insert original CD. Clearly the existing patches are meant for the original box game--not the NEW DVD collection.)

Again: Is the newly released Penumbra Collection on DVD already prepatched? If not, how/where do you install existing patches to work with the Penumbra Collection on DVD? Anyone know for sure?
Sorry to be a pain. I may have answered my own Q. Closely examined/compared files in the patch folders (for both games) and in the game folder on my fresh DVD install, and it appears as though The Penumbra Collection on DVD is indeed prepatched (the patch is already in place). For example, in Overture, the changelog.txt files in my fresh DVD installation includes notes on the 1.0.3 patch, same as the changelog.txt file in the patch folder itself I downloaded. I cannot find a changelog.txt file in the Black Plague folder, but I assume that if one of the games has been prepatched, the other should be as well.

But if i'm mistaken and somone knows better, pls. let me know.
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2009, 03:59 AM by hiroru.)
06-05-2009, 03:05 AM

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