- Graphics card: ATi Radeon HD3870 512MB GDDR4 DX10.1 SM4.1
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 x64, build 7127
- Driver version: Catalyst Control Centre - 9.5 (Latest for Windows 7)
- What errors you have encountered: Missing objects, partly-visible objects, invisible walls, invisible floors, texture glitching and stretching.
My thread (with more information) can be found here.
From my thread but lightly modified;
I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but everywhere I look, it seems the people with these issues are using an ATi 2xxx series, or HD3xxx series card. Both of these series use the same core chip, as the HD3xxx seres is a rehash of the 2xxx series. The HD3xxx series just has a smaller die (from memory), so it just runs cooler and uses less power.
Might be something more direct for you guys to look into.