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Spoiler What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?
LordGubGub Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

(05-23-2013, 02:08 PM)RiverPhlegethon Wrote: I'm new to the forum. First post!
One of the most ridiculous moments I had was playing through Storage with a friend. We were pretty near the exit, but we could hear a monster around. She said I should wait for it to go away, but I thought we could make a run for it and still make it. I'm pretty sure this was our first playthrough, so we were still scared of the monsters. I decided to make a run for it, but ending up colliding with the monster. It almost killed me, but we still made it out alive, with lots of screaming in the process. Smile
I've got more than a few stories about our first time playing through the game.

Woo, I'm new too! Big Grin

Haha, the Storage is such a terrifying area. That monster behind the door was one of the worst things for me...

Playing Amnesia with friends watching you is fun. I played 90% of the game alone, but I couple areas I played with some friends watching, and it was just as scary as it was playing it alone. We're pretty serious most of the time because we're really immersed in the game, and they all like to laugh at my reactions. lol

One of the funniest/scariest moments when I was playing with my friends was in the Prison. A couple of my friends hadn't seen the game before, and while I was playing I tried to avoid looking at the monsters completely. I got to the part right before the cistern where you unlock the door, and a monster spawns right behind you. I ran to the door, and one of my friends said, "look at it," idk why but I turned around and saw the monster running towards me, stared at it for a few seconds while all my friends were screaming, "RUN RUN RUN! GO THROUGH THE DOOR!" I went through the door to the cistern right at the last second, and they were yelling things like "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" It was funny, because they usually laugh at MY reactions, but this time it was the other way around! Good times.
05-24-2013, 03:55 AM

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia? - by LordGubGub - 05-24-2013, 03:55 AM

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