Bridge, are you always that sour? Here, have a little bit of love:
(sorry, I ran out of Ash points!).
And please, let's not turn this thread into a discussion about reputation guidelines. If Bridge can receive +1 for saying "Get a room you two.", and if I can receive +1 for posting images of cute Nationalsozialistische ponies, then the OP deserves tons of rep.
Why did I give him +1? Well, for 3 reasons:
1. I believe that reputation should also be used to distinguish posts that show noble attitudes and good character. His post can also be motivational for other people in the same situation.
2. I can relate to what he said. I started playing Penumbra and Amnesia in my boyfriend's computer, and I was aware that his copies were pirated. When I finally managed to have a new computer that was able to run the games - and I still only have integrated motherboard graphics, but it's sufficient... -, I purchased both from Frictional Games store, at normal price (well, I got a discount on Amnesia for buying the 2 games at the same time). I felt so happy doing it!
3. I'm a soft-hearted person.
Edit: typo