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File Line Function
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Crash at the hydraulic door
Grafit Offline
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Posts: 2
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Joined: Aug 2009
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Crash at the hydraulic door


I Played the game for several days without any problem (game bought through STEAM) and I just arrived at the Hydraulic door just before the end of the game.
I open it with the crowbar and have the loading screen for the next level ("as I stepped into the mouth..."), but then the game crash and I have the 'BlackBox' saying:
Penumbra caused an exception_access_violation in module penumbra.exe at 001B:0058C050


stack trace
001B:0058C050 penumbra.exe
001B:00592DEB penumbra.exe

I can't finish the game. Can anyone help me, please ? Thanks.
08-04-2009, 05:17 PM

Messages In This Thread
Crash at the hydraulic door - by Grafit - 08-04-2009, 05:17 PM

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