(08-08-2009, 04:08 PM)Urkle Wrote: you could modify the launcher scripts in the game install directory (/usr/local/games/PenumbraCollection/Overture/penumbra or ......../PenumbraCollection/BlackPlague/blackplague and ...../BlackPlague/Requiem )
and have them stop compiz before running the game and re-start it afterwards..
something like
metacity --replace &
...... regular script to launch game .....
compiz --replace &
It's not elegant and not tested:-D
Hey, thanks, but yeah I've already tried that, using the script below, but it stops the game from launching for some reason, it's as if the game starts, but is then interrupted by compiz restarting :S
metacity --replace &
cd /usr/games/PenumbraCollection/Overture/penumbra
compiz --replace &