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Mistakes, Death and Other Fun Stuff [spoilers]
voxlatina Offline
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Mistakes, Death and Other Fun Stuff [spoilers]

Well, I just finished Black Plague...great game, and also one of the few I can think of where I screwed up so many times out of panic, stupidity, or just by fooling around. Namely:

Spoiler below!
-Distracting an Infected by throwing a box down a hallway: good. Trying to do this, freaking out, and clocking it in the face instead: bad.

-Learning the hard way that, no matter how often you try, there's no way to spot and/or attack Frisk in the kennel hall. Stopping to find him will get you killed. If you're me, it will get you killed several times, because you are determined to squeak by when he comes out...

-Wondering why the rock worm isn't coming through the correct wall so I can zap it, and hey, why do things keep going dark...

So tell me...what goofy things did you do to yourself (or others) in the game?
09-19-2009, 04:38 AM

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Mistakes, Death and Other Fun Stuff [spoilers] - by voxlatina - 09-19-2009, 04:38 AM

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