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Overture crashing near the end of the game, once final chapter loads
geggis Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Overture crashing near the end of the game, once final chapter loads

(12-15-2009, 02:39 AM)jbone Wrote: Hi there, thanks for the quick response. I just got home and tried the patch - no luck. Followed all the instructions to install the hotpatch, get the same result after opening the last door: See the intro text for the next chapter, and instead of getting a message that the game's done loading, I crash to the desktop.

By the way, I hadn't mentioned before but I already tried wiping my config file.

Edit: So I think my game files are corrupt. I tried running Overture on my old computer (totally different specs, but I'd copied over the same game files), and the game crashes at the exact same point. I ran a Steam verify and it detected problems in some files, so I deleted the game entirely and am re-downloading. Will respond again when I try running the fresh copy.
Yep... corrupt game files. Loaded fine once I re-downloaded.

Thanks again for the help, I appreciate the quick response.

I'm getting this as well with the Steam version, even after deleting local content and reinstalling it's still happening. Exactly the same thing. I've used the hotfix, I've cleared the settings.cfg as well as the core/cache folder. I don't know what else to do.

Black Box Crash image and game log below:

Spoiler below!
[Image: overture_crash.png]

Spoiler below!

-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating resource managers
Misc Creation

Initializing Graphics Module
Init low level graphics
Setting video mode: 1280 x 768 - 32 bpp
Init Glee...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Vertex Program: 1
Fragment Program: 1
NV Register Combiners: 0
NV Register Combiners Stages: 11
ATI Fragment Shader: 1
Creating graphic systems
Creating Renderer2D
Renderer2D created
Creating Renderer3D
Load Renderer3D gpu programs:
Diffuse Vertex
Diffuse Fragment
Creating fog textures: Solid Additive Alpha
init sky box
Renderer3D created
Creating screen buffers size 1280.000000 : 768.000000
Creating programs
CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
core/programs/PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg(32) : error C5013: profile does not support "for" statements and "for" could not be unrolled.
CG: Error loading: 'core/programs/PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg'!
ERROR: Couldn't create program 'PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg'
Dynamic loops in motion blur fp not supported, loading static instead.
RendererPostEffects created
Adding engine materials

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL.
Trying to open hardware device... Success!
Device name: Generic Hardware
Number of mono sources: 32

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization
WARNING: Language entry 'EventKeyInNoPower' in category '01_10_small_shaft' already exists!
Initializing Penumbra: Overture Episode 1
Version $Rev: 1789 $
Date $Date: 2007-11-13 03:43:19 +0100 (ti, 13 nov 2007) $
Trying to load vertex program!

Game Running
Loading collada for 'maps/level01_19_door_shaft.dae' took: 3824 ms
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'unbreak_impact_fence_med.snt'
WARNING: Couldn't preload sound 'unbreak_impact_fence_med'
WARNING: Material '' was not found!
WARNING: Material '' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Parent 'group3' couldn't be found! Failed to attach 'artefact01_pointLight1' to 'artefact01'.Attaching directly to mesh.
WARNING: Parent 'group3' couldn't be found! Failed to attach 'artefact02_pointLight1' to 'artefact02'.Attaching directly to mesh.
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'propellerlarge01'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'propellerlarge02'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'smallpropeller'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'smallpropeller1'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'smallpropeller2'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'smallpropeller3'
WARNING: No shapes for sub mesh 'propellerShape' with group: ''
ERROR: Couldn't find game element for entity 'smallpropeller4'
Loading collada for 'maps/level01_20_base_entrance.dae' took: 574 ms
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'unbreak_impact_fence_med.snt'
WARNING: Couldn't preload sound 'unbreak_impact_fence_med'
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'models/base_entrance/base_entrance_man.dae'


Okay so I've just installed the Penumbra Collection that I've bought my brother from your own shop and while I managed to get through the door, pick up the note and go down the stairs it crashed in a similar fashion right in front of the door and does the same on repeated attempts. Sad: I'm so close to finishing it.


My apologies, I'm going to try the 1.03 patch again on the Steam version, I may have installed it incorrectly.
01-13-2010, 11:56 PM

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