(01-21-2010, 07:41 AM)jens Wrote: When you get missing dlls it is probably because you have installed the patch or hotfixes incorrect, so that the game tries to start from an incorrect location. Make sure to install the patch at the right location, as it is the haptx version you will most likely have to manually select where to install the patch for it to be correct.
Search your computer and see where the penumbra.exe files are located and then make sure that they and other files are correctly updated after applying patches and hotfixes.
I was thinking that. The HaptX installer points to "C:\Program Files\Frictional Games\" but the patches point to "C:\Program Files\Penumbra\Episode 1". What should I change it to? Btw I dont have an Episode 1 folder or a redist folder in "C:\Program Files\Frictional Games\".