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Spoiler What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?
TheWalshinator Offline
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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

(09-27-2013, 07:30 PM)Eugene Schwartz Wrote:
(09-27-2013, 03:17 PM)Mechavomit Wrote: Apart from knocking shit off my desk and jumping into fetal position multiple times I got stuck on a puzzle in the Nave, where you have to fix a thing to open two heavy doors. I walked around aimlessly clicking on everything for at least 20 minutes. Agrippa kept blabbing on about what a good boy Daniel is so I had to turn off the sound. I got so desperate I tried to open a door with a glass jar. You know, "what if".

I got stuck there for a long time as well. I listened to Agrippa saying the same thing so many times that i can hear it in my sleep... " you're a good boy Daniel, and i appreciate your company, but i believe you have more important things to take care of!" Over... and over again!!! ARGH!!!

Wanna know what is even more annoying? Actually having the name Daniel and having to listen to it over and over...
I felt then like I do whenever I keep being rushed in the real world. When I finally figured it out I was like, "Thank GOD that's over!"

You will see me, and weep in cold fear...
09-27-2013, 07:37 PM

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia? - by TheWalshinator - 09-27-2013, 07:37 PM

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