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Spoiler What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?
Mechavomit Offline

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia?

(09-27-2013, 07:54 PM)TheWalshinator Wrote:
(09-27-2013, 07:47 PM)Eugene Schwartz Wrote: Lol that's one hell of a coincidence!! It's like he was talking to you personally, talk about creepy!! Big Grin I bet you enjoyed cutting his head off though lol I remember that i threw a crate at his head to see if he'd shut up but it didn't work.

Ah, don't even get me started on creepy. I'm only going to say this: the first time Alexander telepathically communicates when I am fixing the elevators in the Cistern's Machine Room.

I found it odd cutting off his head, mostly because I didn't hear the part about him not dying when you do.

And I also threw stuff at him trying to get him to shut up XD
I gave him a chair. Figured he might want to sit down while I display my low intelligence by hitting doors with jars.
09-27-2013, 08:11 PM

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RE: What was your stupidest/funniest moment that you did in Amnesia? - by Mechavomit - 09-27-2013, 08:11 PM

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