Quote:Creative works like films, music, books, games, should NEVER be made by the artist with the thought of "completion" in mind. It's up to the audience to decide whether they want to experience the work from start to finish or not.
That's misleading. So many films, games, shows and novels have great twist endings that rely on the audience paying attention throughout the story. They should NEVER be made under the assumption that the intended audience will skip out before completing it. If I got bored with Breaking Bad and turned it off five minutes into watching it, I can hardly complain if the end of the series means so little to me compared to the zillions who watch it.
I think perhaps your point is that the promise of a good ending alone, for a lot of people, isn't enough to make up for a boring introduction or dull middle. If you mean to say that the story should be paced well enough so that the audience genuinely wants to see it through out of curiosity rather than bloody-mindedness, I'd agree. I love the Mass Effect series' ability to let you personalize your own iteration of the protagonist, and want to replay with a markedly different personality. But I won't replay it for a long time, if at all, because of the sheer amount of mind-numbing hours of grinding that serve as gameplay in the first playthrough and then become intolerably dull subsequently.
Amnesia 1's endings were awful compared to Amnesia 2's one solid ending.