Basically what you want to do is make sure that the model is properly skinned (using the smooth bind tool and making sure that the max influences is set to 3 or it will definetely crash!), then you should also normalize the weights (this option is located in skin/edit smooth skin). When you export make sure the "joints and skin" box is checked, "animations" box is unchecked (you will check it when exporting animations though). Aslong as the model doesnt have too many polys (around 10k is accecptable) and you export the rigged model without any controllers or IK's and follow those steps it should work fine. If it still crashes please show your model viewer log file and in worst case scenario, if it still won't work you can send the file to me and I can look at it myself
When it comes to making animations, you basically use your rigged file as a copy and it doesnt matter if your rig has controllers or IK handles AS LONG AS you bake your animation when you're done with it and delete the controllers and the IK's before exporting. When you bake the animations it will basically key every frame from your controllers and IK's. Many think that you can only use joints when animating monsters for HPL2 but it's not true. You export the animation ONLY WITH joints after you baked it using your controllers,IK's,etc. I did it myself on few monsters and it works perfectly.