(09-28-2014, 06:12 PM)Acies Wrote: Okay, you'd have to change/rewrite some shaders in core/shaders to get it working properly, but there's possibly a way to make it look 'ok' as it is now. Could you provide some information on the fogarea: Color/Start/End etc.
And the water? Tile amount?
Otherwise you can try it out yourself: Have a black fog, set the end to "X". Go into the water material, set Reflection FadeEnd to "X".
Well. It doesn't have to be water.
I was thinking maybe, we could just create a workaround?
If we look at water it's very simple: A plane, with an animated texture.
The thing about water here is that this plane has a little more stuff to work with.
Can't we make the water into a simple floor, with the water texture and animation?
Trying is the first step to success.