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RE: New Game Design/Gameplay needed for dealing with Enemies in future games
i also agree that the sneak/hide/run type of gameplay kind of a bit too linear if you know what i mean....not much of interaction between the enemy lore wise frictional was an avid survival horror creator themselves especially that one penumbra game that you were given a chance to protect yourself with a pickaxe but was left alone cuz of overpowering the player thus throwing off the survival aspect of every survival horror formula : the feeling of vulnerability given the type of survival horror game
but given a chance to develop a new game design for dealing with enemies would be hard ........ the fact that shinji mikami said himself " it is hard to scare new people than years ago"
in comparison with other games like alien isolation as simple in context a player armed to the teeth against an invulnerable enemy would less likely left you vulnerable and hopeless giving only a fraction of time to hide your self and plan your next move
if only aliens colonial marines was like that given that you a marine wielding a pulse rifle with only 3 mags and a one hit death kind of alien like in isolation the fact that this time you can kill an but only to find out that the alien you killed caused a chain reaction causing three more aliens to come .........
after playing this game though SOMA was more of a story-driven atmosphere horror game i think the run/hide/sneak is a good choice
story rich games such as this a survival horror game are emphasized on exploration and less on enemies (de-emphasizing the combat system itself)
but one thing is sure with survival horrors
a risk/reward kind of playstyles.....
an example
you as a player given a tool that could illuminate your path(i.e. light beam) that can also protect you in an expense of your life
would you risk your life energy to protect yourself on an enemy chasing you? or use your light to outrun your enemy but dims out when your stamina gets depleted
or hide in expense of your sanity....
add it with clever map design and a story rich lore you got yourself an awesome survival horror game
so sir Brus is correct
classical shooters in this kind of games would be unsatisfactory
but use an object as a tool rather a weapon
or make it part of the lore like Fatal frame series the camera obscura
or the sight jack of the Siren series
10-02-2015, 09:47 AM |