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LinuxMint : sound issue with badly supported audio chipset
torturedutopian Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago LinuxMint : sound issue with badly supported audio chipset

Hi !

I've just switched from Ubuntu Lucid to Linux Mint. I wanted to try this promising debian based rolling-release distro.

However, my audio chipset needed the ubuntu "alsa backports" package in order to work properly. Otherwise, audio sources couldn't mix (alsa + pulse at the same time didn't work, for instance). With this package, everything worked perfectly.

However, Linux Mint doesn't have this "alsa backports".

Anyway : under Ubuntu, Amnesia worked 100%.
Under Linux Mint without the alsa backports, I can't get sound. I tried pulse & alsa : none of those worked.

I also created an .asoundrc file to redirect alsa to pulse (otherwise, I couldn't even use flash apps when listening to my music !)

This file contains the following :
pcm.pulse {
type pulse
ctl.pulse {
type pulse
pcm.!default {
type pulse
ctl.!default {
type pulse

It does help for all the other apps I tried. But not Amnesia. With or without it, whatever the audio output, I couldn't get any sound. Strange. And if selecting "alsa" only (not specifying the specific device, it crashes instantly -- probably because this default alsa is redirected to pulse).

I can wait for alsa to be updated (hoping it'll have the fixes from the ubuntu backports). But maybe you have an idea ?

Cheers !
Hmm, something even stranger :

if I use this .asoundrc, play a flash applet with sound AND launch amnesia at the same time in ALSA mode, sound works. But the game is slowed down significantly by the flash applet (whose sound stopped instantly when starting the Amnesia launcher.

Anyway, as all this is probably triggered by a faulty driver, I don't expect any kind of fix Smile

Ubuntu 10.10 64 bits
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2010, 12:39 PM by torturedutopian.)
09-10-2010, 12:36 PM

Messages In This Thread
LinuxMint : sound issue with badly supported audio chipset - by torturedutopian - 09-10-2010, 12:36 PM

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