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Can't get game to start (Windows 10/steam/ATI 390x)

Not Solved RE: Can't get game to start (Windows 10/steam/ATI 390x)

(03-28-2016, 05:26 PM)Guest Wrote: I had this issue and found that the Xbox One controller connected wirelessly was causing the problem. If my controller was off, the game would start without issues. Might be something that Frictional could fix, however since the game is older, they may not patch it.

THANK YOU. I had the same exact problem that OP was describing and I have spent the last 2 hours trying to uninstall/reinstall the game and drivers and all kinds of tricks. My wired controller that I use to play SOMA was still plugged in and as soon as I unplugged it and relaunched the game, it worked perfectly. This issue, while somewhat specific, needs to be made more apparent somehow, I had all but given up on trying to get Amnesia to work until now! Thank you!
04-06-2016, 06:47 AM

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RE: Can't get game to start (Windows 10/steam/ATI 390x) - by Insulince - 04-06-2016, 06:47 AM

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