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BUG: Portions of journal entry narration are missing/skipped.
Ryblade Offline
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Not Solved Bug  BUG: Portions of journal entry narration are missing/skipped.

I've noticed that there's missing dialogue during the journal entry scenes, in particular ones that take up more than a single page.

Entire paragraphs can be missing compared to what's written in text, causing me to miss out on many key elements of the story unless I check the journal every time I get an entry to make sure the game didn't skip anything.

This, for me, breaks immersion slightly. Also, since I can't hear them read in Daniel's voice, I'm missing out on a lot of the emotion and inflection that would be present in these narrated portions.

I've played up to the journal entry titled Daniel's Diary - Revelations (1/3) and did a save and quit right after I went to the journal and read what hadn't been spoken. Hopefully this will make your search up the hpl.log file less time-consuming.

The text that was NOT read out loud by Daniel is the following quote:

Spoiler below!
I received a letter today from the Algerian governor's office disclosing the fate of Herbert's expedition. About a week after my departure,

After that, the rest of the journal entry is narrated properly.

Here is my hpl.log file:

.log   hpl.log (Size: 25.64 KB / Downloads: 311)

There's another Steam user who has been experiencing this issue as well. I found this thread on the Steam community forums, and it worries me because apparently flashbacks are affected, too:

This is my first playthrough, so I'm very worried I'll end up missing key plot details in the flashbacks that I can't go back and review as I would with the journal entries.

Thank you so much for any help I can get, and thanks a million for the free giveaway a few weekends ago. I never had the chance to play this before or watch any playthroughs of it, so I can see now why everyone's so crazy about this game. I don't think I'm very far into it (I just finished up with the water), so if this bug could be fixed quickly
enough I wouldn't mind restarting in order to catch any flashback dialogue I may have missed.
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2018, 02:51 AM by Ryblade.)
03-27-2018, 11:41 PM

Messages In This Thread
BUG: Portions of journal entry narration are missing/skipped. - by Ryblade - 03-27-2018, 11:41 PM

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