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Penumbra: Black Plague Mental State bug
I'm playing the latest version of Penumbra: Black Plague, the windows version, using Wine. I'm using PlayOnLinux with Wine 3.0, I can't remember which libraries I installed but I'm pretty sure there are no problems there as I played through Overture successfully and Black Plague was working perfectly until the bug I ran into.
Anyways, the game was working great (and Overture gave me no problems) until I got to the sewers and the game forced me into the "mental state" sublevel. After rearranging the room, putting the egg on the table and then the dog corpse onto the hands the game glitches up when it's supposed to show the hands and the dog being sucked into the wall and you have to run through the door to get to the hallway with the hands you interact with. Instead as the dog starts to be sucked away, the screen flashes white and you're teleported inside the doorway, stuck inside the wall unable to move and the game starts making loud sounds, collision sounds I believe and the game just gets laggier and laggier as it tries to resolve this situation unsucessfully. I managed to bypass this problem by installing the game on a windows computer, copying my save over and continuing, however I ran into a bug on windows aswell. After the section with the moving platforms you have to jump across, there is a section where there are several barricades and a hallway you need to run down. After running down that hallway the game transports me back to the ship cabin room and forced the camera to look at the ceiling. Any mouse movement briefly moves the camera, but then it always centers itself on the ceiling, making the game unplayable. I copied my save file back to my linux computer and redid the section with the barricades, which then takes me back to the ship cabin and doesn't force the camera to the ceiling, however the only thing I can do is to change the room so it's not like the photo and then put it back, which causes a glitched up scene in the cabin room and a hole in the wall that you can fall into oblivion. I looked up a video walkthrough and it seems that after the section with the two barricades you're supposed to be transported to a room with water and crates and not the ship cabin, yet on both windows and linux it is taking me back to the ship cabin. I'm really not sure how to solve this issue as the game isn't taking me to the next section properly, does anyone have any suggestions?
Btw I found a review for the game on steam that mentions the game is unplayable on Wine due to the mental state being incompletable, but they didn't elaborate on their issue.
01-20-2019, 06:44 PM |