(09-30-2010, 01:15 PM)jens Wrote: I'm sort of lost, what is this other method of paying you are talking about? I have used paypal for a long time but have never used any other means of 1. with a linked credit card or 2. using the funds in the paypal account. How does the apparently third option work exactly?
I think it's called debid note in english (in german: lastschrift). You can have 0 € in your paypal account and don't need a credit card. When you buy by paypal with debit note than paypal gives the money immediately to the seller where you want to buy and paypal gets back the money from your verified bank account. I think in general it works this way.
This option is not available on FG store, so question is if i can buy if i have enough money on paypal account without a credit card.
Edit: Most people that i know pay this way with paypal, so maybe it's also an option for FG store. Maybe just think about it.