(12-22-2010, 04:29 AM)Shev Wrote: Well technically he probably could do it through the level editor buuuttt....
That would be extremely time consuming to do it with each door, create a lot of headaches, probably be really buggy, and just plain inefficient.
Its possibly he has a slight grasp on coding, its probably just a slight one though. Like making mods for a game engine/toolset/leveleditor/etc with very limited freedom on what you can/can't do.
Actually you cannot have enemies follow you using just a level editor, because there would be no way to only spawn an enemy if it is chasing you, you need to bust open the source code and write the AI for it. And I see what you're saying, but being a videogame programmer myself, I can tell he has no idea what he is talking about, he didn't even realize AI is in the source code, which anyone with even like a 5 minute youtube tutorial worth of programming knowledge would know. Maybe he knew a little but was just a moron...