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Cannot load the game

Solved: 8 Years, 4 Months ago RE: Cannot load the game
Thomas Wrote:Mesocyclone:
Gotten any reply from GamersGate on this issue?

Meanwhile my problem is solved, as I reported above, but today I received the following from GamersGate:
"Best Wolfgang,

This sounds like a problem related to Penumbra game, not the installer or
download service.

Please direct your technical support question here:

Kind regards,
Christian Schweitz
My question was:
> for my downloaded game 'Penumbra' I entered the activation key after
> doubleclicking the program icon and it responded: 'Bei der
> Datenspeicherung ist ein Fehler aufgetretn (5)' = data saving error (5).
> What can I do? My username is 'Wolfgang'.
> Thank you."

I think this answer isn't very helpful, although I don't need it anymore. An explanation what error-code 5 means should have been given anyway.
04-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

Messages In This Thread
Cannot load the game - by Wolfgang - 03-30-2007, 09:49 PM

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