Hello, I have modeled my own lantern and would like to replace the default one in my full conversion.
I placed the model in Dazed/models/hand_objects/lantern/dzd_hand_lantern/
There is a lantern.ho file located in Dazed/models/hand_objects/lantern
This is the lantern.ho file
Model = "dzd_hand_lantern/dzd_hand_lantern.ent"
Type= "LightSource"
OffsetScale = "1 1 1"
OffsetRotation = "-15 -5 -46"
OffsetPosition = "-0.0105 -0.0035 0.002"
HandsAnim_Idle = "Lantern_Idle"
HandsAnim_Draw = "Lantern_Draw"
HandsAnim_Holster = "Lantern_Holster"
AttachBoneName = "attachpoint"
FadeInTime = "1"
FadeOutTime = "1"
HasSwayPhysics = "true"
MaxSwayVel = "15"
SwayAngleLimits = "-13 90"
SwayDownAngleLimits = "-7 80"
SwayPinDir = "0 0 1"
SwayGravity = "12"
SwayFriction = "1.0"
SwayPlayerSpeedMul = "0.015"
SwayCameraRollMul = "1"
SkipSwaySubMesh = "Handle"
I copied the hands over, and edited the hands.ent file
<Performance CamClipPlanes="0.05 1000" LightsActive="true" PSActive="true" ShowFog="true" ShowSkybox="true" WorldReflection="true" />
<ViewportConfig BGColor="0.2 0.2 0.2 1" GAmbientLight="true" GPointLight="true" GridSnap="false" GridSnapSeparation="0.25" SelectedViewport="3" UsingEnlargedViewport="true">
<Viewport CameraPosition="0 0 20" CameraTarget="0 0 0" CameraZoom="0.916291" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="2" Preset="0" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="true" />
<Viewport CameraPosition="20 0 0" CameraTarget="0 0 0" CameraZoom="0.916291" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="0" Preset="1" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="true" />
<Viewport CameraPosition="0 20 0" CameraTarget="0 0 0" CameraZoom="0.916291" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="1" Preset="2" RenderMode="1" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="true" />
<Viewport CameraPosition="0.752535 0.737806 0.224467" CameraTarget="-0.220334 0.049336 -0.228084" CameraZoom="3.66919" GridHeight="0" GridPlane="1" Preset="3" RenderMode="0" ShowAxes="true" ShowGrid="true" UsingLTCam="true" />
<Entities />
<Mesh Filename="Dazed/models/player/hands/hands.dae">
<SubMesh Active="true" ID="0" Material="" Name="hand" Rotation="0 0 0" Scale="1 1 1" SubMeshID="0" Tag="" WorldPos="0 0 0" />
<Animation File="animations/hands_lantern_idle.dae_anim" Name="Lantern_Idle" SpecialEventTime="0" Speed="1" />
<Animation File="animations/hands_lantern_draw.dae_anim" Name="Lantern_Draw" SpecialEventTime="0" Speed="1" />
<Animation File="animations/hands_lantern_holster.dae_anim" Name="Lantern_Holster" SpecialEventTime="0" Speed="1" />
<UserDefinedVariables EntitySubType="" EntityType="PlayerHands" />
Whenever I attempt to bring the lantern up, the game crashes... What is going on? D: