(05-19-2011, 06:00 AM)jens Wrote: It could be that the save game and the game itself are from different versions of Amnesia and that is why it crashes, which unfortunately can not be fixed.
I'm not really convinced that that is the issue. The crash originated while I was playing mid-game, and not from loading the game after an update. It occurred previously when I went into the Study again and attempted to return the Back Hall. When it crashed the first time, I didn't pay it much heed and loaded a previous saved game prior to entering the Study. But after revisiting the Study again, it crashed again when trying to return to the Back Hall. Unfortunately, there isn't a way for me to progress in the game by loading a previous saved game because I will have to go back into the Study to retrieve the rod. And the game will crash when I try to leave the Study. This happens all the time on three different machines I've attempted it on.