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Penumbra: Overture - Text Walkthrough

RE: Complete Walkthrough part 1

ok, here's part 2

Spoiler below!
Walk forward and take the first left to the Power room. There are two batteries, a note and an artifact on the cabinet on the right. Use the axe to smash the wooden planks guarding the big hole and push the box into the hole. Go down the ladder and pick up the battery that fell out of the box. Go back up. See those five valves? Next to the closest one is a sign Batteries. Use the battery there. Get out of the Power room. Go left, then right and on the left you see a barrier, a closed fence and a keypad. There’s a dog on the other side. Go forward and turn right. Walk through the door. In the room stack two boxes on each other in front of the cabinet with three boxes on it. Get on the boxes and pick up a white fuse from the top shelf. From the other cabinet pick up beef jerky, flare and a note. There’s also a broom you can take. Get out of the room and go right. There are doors leading to the communication room. Pick up the radio from one table and a note from the other. You hear beeping sounds. It’s actually Morse Code for 5738. Go back to the Power room. Let’s number the valves: the one next to the battery is number 1 and the next one’s are accordingly numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5. Turn the valves in the following order: 2, 3, 5, 4, 1. Go to the generator and pull the lever. A fuse will be destroyed. Go back to the valves and replace the fuse under valves 2 and 3. Pull the lever again…
Leave the Power room and go to the fence. This is the first time you hear a man talking from the radio. Use the keypad and enter the code 5738. Kill the dog. Take a look on the map and walk through the door on the right. Turn left and kill the dog. There is a fence blocked with a wooden plank on the right. Find the Tool shed on the map and go there. From the cabinets pick up the saw, flare, batteries and a note.
Find the Excavation on the map and go there. Watch out for another dog. Walk through the tunnel. There’s an artifact and a note on the table on the far left. You see a tunnel on the ceiling if you look up standing next to the knocked lamp. Take the bigger part of the broken ladder, then jump and attach it to the hooks under the tunnel. You must now jump and grab the ladder. Use a box to your advantage. You walk into the tunnel…
Now you must be very quick. If you take the first left you see a couple of eggs, from which deadly spiders will come out. Don’t go there, run forward to the place with blood on the floor and go left. Crawl through and immediately use your lighter on the oil on the floor. Then move the rock from one hole to another to block the rest of the spiders. Go through the tunnel and grab a rock. Throw it into the green slime. Now there’s a part where you must run like wind. If you go down a big rock will start rolling after you, so just run! At the bottom turn left, take out your axe and start smashing the wall, cause the spiders are after you. Run, smash and don’t stop! Finally you fall down a tunnel and land in the Storage, which was closed from the inside.

More coming soon…

again, you are welcome to comment Smile
04-07-2007, 11:54 AM

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Penumbra: Overture - Text Walkthrough - by pikacz - 04-07-2007, 01:14 AM

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