Quote:that's just your opinion; you have nothing to back that belief up besides what actual gays have said
Does that mean what gays say is rather pointless? Because there is nothing to "back up that belief..."?
Sorry pal, I haven't chose my sexuality (Straight? Bi? Homo? I won't say it here, you are free to think whatever you want), nor what turns me on, fetishes, whatever, etc, all I know is that I was the same way when I was a kid: I know it, I recall it...Well, I know what I will hear now: "You don't have any material and cientific proof, so hush".
Quote:Anyone can believe anything about these issues and no one can prove them wrong, so why bother wasting time and energy arguing about these things?
If it was so simply it would be the perfect world, but wrong: it is not. Simply because while some of use might simply waste our time arguing about what we "believe", there are people out there that decides to put their "beliefs" into action...And they dictate the lives of some other people through laws, rules, etc...Many might just state their opinion: "I don't like gays", the same way others might say "I don't like weapons", etc. But many won't stop there. You might have not voted for proposition 8, but others decided to: their lives didn't change from day to night, but they sure had plenty of parties after ruining the lives of some persons. All of that because those persons are not turned on by what is considered the norm: how the frick did we come up to screw up people's live because of something that simple?
You might tell me it is the right of people to vote for laws in a democracy: true, but untill what point do you have the freedom to vote for a law that will not change anything for you, but will definitly screw up those of other persons?
It is not like voting for the next health care system, or what to do with thieves, murderers, where everyone is kinda on the same boat because it applies to everyone. It is literally throwing torpedos at the closest boat to slow it down because you don't like its color. Some countries decided that, whatever color the boat is, it has the same right as the others to go down the river we all ended up on (because, here are some news: we haven't decided to go down that freaking river, only to reach one day our own "final-waterfall-of-eternal-doom". Neither have we decided to be surrounded by boats that will fire at us and at each other for any stupid reason they can find, transforming the river in the "torrent-of-doom-and-destruction" where the last option for some people is to simply survive). Guess what? It didn't change the lives of straight persons who already had access to those rights (at worst they just ended up more full of hate).
I am a gun hater. I trully believe that carrying weapons is creating more trouble than salving problems and I blame laws tolerating it for all the shootings that happened in schools in the past years. It is something way more important that gay rights. Still, I am not going to mess up with the lives of those who want to carry a shotgun to the supermarket, as long as they don't force me to do so: I'll simply continue going on, not carrying weapons.
I hate religions, I truly believe they are the cause of more than half of the world problems, and I will do my best so my kids won't be forced to worship anything at school. Still, I am equally pissed when some people start screaming that in a secular society person's of faith shouldn't be allowed to show their religion and hide it in their closet.
I try to live and let live. It is not an easy balance, it never is. But as I said, many will prefer the alternative: "live and do my best to not allow other persons to live".