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Help! Amnesia crashes when I leave the Study
sd. Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 7 Months ago RE: Help! Amnesia crashes when I leave the Study

I'm really not try trying to be condescending with this, I'm just unsure how to explain this to someone who has no idea what XML is. This is my first pass so let me know if I need to explain in more detail or less detail in certain points. Here goes...

Think of the XML setup in this save file as an outline format divided into sections. The two sections we are mainly concerned about for this fix are

<class type="cLuxInventory_SaveData" name="mInventory">
<class type="cLuxJournal_SaveData" name="mJournal">

As you may guess from the names those are the sections of the save files that deal with the inventory and journal.

Since these save files are rather large text files (over 3MB each) you are going to want to use a plain text editor with a search feature like notepad.

Part I - Adding the rod to your inventory.

Start at the top of the file and search for the term "mInventory" and hopefully the first result will be the

<class type="cLuxInventory_SaveData" name="mInventory">

line. The next two lines you should ignore. The 3rd line starts the subsection of the inventory items you are carrying when you bring up the inventory screen. It should look something like this

<container type="100" name="mvItems" class_type="cLuxInventory_Item_SaveData">

Each item you are carrying is in a section about 12 lines long. Each item ends with a "</class>" line. The entire section of what you are carrying ends with a "</container>" line. You want to add the rod you find in the study to the end of the list of items you are carrying. So scroll down slowly to find the end of the current list by looking for the following 2 lines


Between the "</class>" and the "</container>" add the following 12 lines (quote this post for proper formatting)...

<class type="cLuxInventory_Item_SaveData" name="">
<var type="4" name="msName" val="guiding_rod03" />
<var type="2" name="mlType" val="0" />
<var type="4" name="msSubType" val="GuidingRod3" />
<var type="4" name="msVal" val="" />
<var type="4" name="msExtraVal" val="" />
<var type="4" name="msImageFile" val="graphics/item/guiding_rod03" />
<var type="3" name="mfAmount" val="1.000000" />
<var type="2" name="mlCount" val="1" />
<var type="4" name="msGameNameEntry" val="ItemName_GuidingRod3" />
<var type="4" name="msGameDescEntry" val="ItemDesc_GuidingRod3" />

Having the 3rd rod in your inventory should be enough to allow you to continue on in the game. However if you would also like the note (containing the instructions to fix the elevator) you can continue on with these instructions. Or you can just Google to find out what it says.

Part II - Adding the Elevator note to your inventory.

To add the note search for "mJournal" You should see a line similar to

<class type="cLuxJournal_SaveData" name="mJournal">

The fourth line down should start the subsections of notes

<container type="100" name="mvNotes" class_type="cLuxNote">

The end of the note list should again look like this...


Insert the following lines in-between to add the note

<class type="cLuxNote" name="">
<var type="4" name="msNameEntry" val="Note_CH01L11_ElevatorMachine_Name" />
<var type="4" name="msTextEntry" val="Note_CH01L11_ElevatorMachine_Text" />
<var type="4" name="msIconFile" val="graphics/item/journal/manual_icon" />
<var type="4" name="msImageFile" val="graphics/item/journal/manual_large" />

Part III - Removing the "find another way around the rubble study" from your quest notes.

This one is a little easier. Search for "11Path" and you should find the following section of code

<class type="cLuxQuestNote" name="">
<var type="1" name="mbActive" val="true" />
<var type="4" name="msName" val="11Path" />
<var type="4" name="msNameEntry" val="Quest_11Path_Name" />
<var type="4" name="msTextEntry" val="Quest_11Path_Text" />

In the second line change the "true" to "false" and you should be all set.

Good luck. I hope this helps.
06-03-2011, 03:31 AM

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RE: Help! Amnesia crashes when I leave the Study - by sd. - 06-03-2011, 03:31 AM

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