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Graphics errors - first scene

Solved: 8 Years, 10 Months, 2 Weeks ago RE: Graphics errors - first scene

ok .. greetings first, Hello. my name is Jeff and am new to this place to talk about certin things

First of all, i too have the same problem as all the above
Vista ultimate
4GB Ram

i would really like to know mainly " WHY" wasnt the game made in Vista at the start? dont get me wrong i do not kno wthe reson of the issue, am assuming its vista !

i dont know how many episodes this game is going to have but by the time it gets to the second, Crysis is coming out. you know what that means ? means 80% of the hardcore gamers will install vista. wich is the only reason why most players didnt yet. so eventualy this game will have to be vista compatible or its pointless ( Again, am only assuming )

second of all, who are the creators of this game and how many people wer involved ?  and is this their first game ?  if so, was there any beta testing? or was this game a little group creation ? since ive never saw frictional games befor heh

anyways never the less i do not want to give up and i want to play this game since you made us salivate with screens and trailers a while ago.... theres got to be a fix for this

about 1h ago i have installed the 1.1 patch and still the Texture glitch and crash on escape

now am getting a little stressed becoz it seems like its going to be like one of thoses games you have to patch and repatch and repatch and repatch heh

But in the other hand, the fact that ATI does NOT suport its own openGL simply becoz it dosnt have any!. unlike Nvidia , ATI uses Microsoft OpenGL Source. reason for most OpenGL crap looking results.
so it might take a while befor we know what the problem really is. Could be Vista, could be ATI could be both

i believe the makers of this game are not to be blamed since our beloved Mr. Gates removed the tools from thems in order to make things more expensive huh emm Oh!  I MEAN...  "easyer"

this reply was in no way offensive. but i prefer asking the true questions

waiting for responce and if you need any info front me about my pc whats so ever, plz ask
Best regards
04-09-2007, 12:23 PM

Messages In This Thread
Graphics errors - first scene - by efin - 03-16-2007, 07:33 PM

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