The following warnings occurred:
Warning [2] count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable - Line: 906 - File: showthread.php PHP 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.17 (Linux)
File Line Function
/showthread.php 906 errorHandler->error

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Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)
Blanel Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 33
Threads: 1
Joined: May 2007
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse)


I hate myself for registring first now, even though I've followed development for so long and talked so much about this game, just to talk about an issue.

The problem is what seems to be a memory leak or something similar. I first experienced it in the coridoors outside
Spoiler below!
the room with the big digging machine
. If I crouched next to a table with the note on close to the passage to the door, eventually the game would start to lower its FPS. Eventually the fps was as low as 1 fps. After that, the whole room was sluggish, and would not speed up.

My second encounter with the problem was (ironshafts A I think it was called)
Spoiler below!
in the spidercaves, by the big hole after the big worm. Whilst running back to the door (before the timer closed it) the game started to get sluggish.

The real problem was when I got through the door to Ironshafts B. Here the memory leak got real bad, and I had an fps of around 0.3 fps. Regardless to say, this was unplayable. I tried to lower everything to the lowest, without any improvment.

I checked with a diagnostics program what the game was using. What I realized was that it ate all my RAM and used all my CPU. The game has run smooth before, so it's not my system.

My system specs are:
Pentium 4 1.80 ghz
512 mb RAM
Radeon 9600 256 mb AGP 4x

Hope you guys can figure it out... The game is unplayable right now Sad


Oh... Found a log in my folder. I found it interesting. I'm gonna try and run it without the diagnosis program and see if it is different. Could be the diagnose program that screwed with the log this time. Here is the current log:

Nope. Same log. This might be whats screwing with my game. What's wrong. I just see lots of Error Smile

I made it spoiler to make everything look more pretty ^^
Spoiler below!

-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating resource managers
Misc Creation

Initializing Graphics Module
Init low level graphics
Setting video mode: 800 x 600 - 32 bpp
Init Glee...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Vertex Program: 1
Fragment Program: 1
NV Register Combiners: 0
NV Register Combiners Stages: 11
ATI Fragment Shader: 1
Creating graphic systems
Creating Renderer2D
Renderer2D created
Creating Renderer3D
Load Renderer3D gpu programs:
Creating fog textures: Solid Additive Alpha
init sky box
Renderer3D created
Creating screen buffers size 800.000000 : 600.000000
Creating programs
RendererPostEffects created
Adding engine materials

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL.
Trying to open software device... Failed opening hardware device, using software
Device name: Generic Software
OpenAL Version Supported: 1.1
Number of channels: 32

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization
Trying to load vertex program!

Game Running
Loading collada for 'maps/level01_13_B_iron_storage_tunnels.dae' took: 8074 ms
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes01'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes04'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes05'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes06'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes07'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'modern_mine_cardboardbox.jpg' for object 'nocollide_noshadow_cradboradboxes08'
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Texture 'blinn2-fx' was not found!
WARNING: Entity 'canister1' with file 'mine_canister.ent' has name already taken by 'mine_canister.ent'!
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
WARNING: Entity 'lamp04' with file 'new_storage_lamp.ent' has name already taken by 'iron_mine_lamp.ent'!
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
ERROR: Couldn't create material '.mat'
WARNING: Could not load material ''
Start Num Of: 134
End Num Of: 120
Start Num Of: 1

Medium framerate: 6.357833

User Exit
Saving to config
Saving keys
Saving to config
Saving keys
Exit Player
Exit Button Handler
Exit Map Handler
Exit Game Message Handler
Exit Radio Handler
Exit Inventory
Exit Fade Handler
Exit Save Handler
Exit Trigger Handler
Exit Attack Handler
Exit Notebook
Exit Numerical panel
Exit Intro story
Exit Death menu
Exit Graphics helper
Exit Main menu
Exit Player hands
Exit Music handler
Exit Map Load Text
Exit PreMenu
Exit Credits
Exit Demo end text
Saving config
Exit Effect Handler
Exit Game

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Exiting Resources Module
Done with tilesets
Done with fonts
Done with scripts
Done with particles
Done with sounds
Done with meshes
Done with materials
Done with Gpu programs
Done with images
Destroyed all textures
Done with sound entities
Done with animations
All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!
Saving last config
Deleting ATI shader to 0

05-20-2007, 05:38 PM

Messages In This Thread
Memory Leak [Not Solved] (Extreme FPS drop, gets worse) - by Blanel - 05-20-2007, 05:38 PM

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