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Start-up problem
Cyndiana Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 2
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Joined: May 2007
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Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 4 Weeks ago RE: Start-up problem

-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------

Initializing FMOD.
Number of hardware 2D channels: 32
Number of hardware 3D channels: 29
Number of total hardware channels: 61
Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating resource managers
Misc Creation

Initializing Graphics Module
Init low level graphics
Setting video mode: 800 x 600 - 32 bpp
Init Glee...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Vertex Program: 1
Fragment Program: 1
NV Register Combiners: 1
NV Register Combiners Stages: 8
ATI Fragment Shader: 0
Creating graphic systems
Renderer2D created
Creating screen buffers size 800.000000 : 600.000000
Creating programs
RendererPostEffects created
Renderer3D created
Adding engine materials

Initializing Sound Module

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization

Game Running
ERROR: Entity file 'emerl1_lights_emergencylight.ent' was not found!
WARNING: Parent 'group1' couldn't be found! Failed to attach 'emerl1_emlight11' to 'emerl1'.Attaching directly to mesh.
ERROR: Entity file 'emerl2_lights_emergencylight.ent' was not found!
WARNING: Parent 'group1' couldn't be found! Failed to attach 'emerl2_emlight11' to 'emerl2'.Attaching directly to mesh.
ERROR: Entity file 'light1_light.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'light2_light.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'light3_light.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'bench1_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker1_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker2_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker3_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker4_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker5_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'locker6_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'lockedlocker_furniture.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'glowst1_item_glowstick.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'dynamite1_item.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'bottle1_kitchen.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'crate1_other.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'crate2_other.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'door1_door.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'cardbox1_other.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'idcard1_item_id.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'pain_item.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'NAME_other_small.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'flare01_item.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'flare02_item.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'blocklocker_misc_block.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'lock1_object.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'NoteEntrance01_item_note.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Entity file 'lockopen1_object.ent' was not found!
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'door_metal_12.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'door_metal_12.jpg' for object '_collider_box_1'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'acidparticle.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'Steam01' of type 'acidparticle'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'drops01.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'WaterDrop01' of type 'drops01'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'drops02.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'WaterDrop01' of type 'drops02'

Medium framerate: 2264.108005

User Exit

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Exiting Resources Module
Done with tilesets
Done with fonts
Done with scripts
Done with particles
Done with sounds
Done with meshes
Done with materials
Done with Gpu programs
Done with images
Destroyed all textures
Done with sound entities
Done with animations
All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!
Deleting ATI shader to 0
05-27-2007, 01:31 AM

Messages In This Thread
Start-up problem - by witch - 05-20-2007, 06:12 AM

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