I'd be happy to write a tutorial
( I don't know how experienced you are with modelling, so this will be quite thorough (sorry if you already know most of it)
First of all you'll have a few decisions to make. Go into level editor and choose a Painting you like the frame of. In my example I'll choose "painting02".
Now you must determine what picture is inside the frame. in my example the number is "02" so the image in the frame will be called "painting_image
04.dds". This file contains the images for all the paintings between (and including) "painting
02" and "painting
Great, so now I know what painting I'm using, and I know what .dds file I'm editing! The next step will be to open the "painting_image02_04.dds" in your GIMP/Photoshop, (Don't load MipMaps), and edit away! Don't forget to save as new though! The name isn't important, as long as it's a .dds file, also, make sure you're editing over the correct painting (painting02's picture is the one on the left, you can check this in level editor.)
Once it's done, save. Make sure you generate mipmaps, and use compression "DXT 1"
Now the chances are it won't save in the correct folder, it will save in "compatability files" so the best thing to do would be to save it to your desktop. That way you will know exactly where it is!
Now that you've saved it to your desktop, drag it into the "ornament>paintings" folder, where the rest of the pictures are. You are now almost done! - Remember at the start, I chose "painting02" so I will create a duplicate of the "painting02" folder, and call it "painting08". Then I will open the folder, and rename all of the files to "painting08.xxx". - Copy "painting08.dae" to the desktop!!!
Now you can open Maya! Go to
make sure it's Y up, and Linear = "Meter"
Now File>Import (very important that you have the opencollada plugin Downloaded, installed, and enabled.)
Browse to "Painting08.dae" (the one we made ourselves) and import as OpenCollada.
Now we are almost done! We just have a couple more steps. Click Shading>SmoothShadeAll.
The painting is made up of two pieces: the frame, and the actual canvas. Hold right click on the Canvas, go to "Material Attributes" and release.
you should now see a popup on the right hand side, click the button to the right of 'Color' then click the Folder Icon next to "Image name" Browse to your custom image in ornament>paintings, and select it.
Last step! go to File Export, and save as OpenCollada. Save to "ornament>paintings>painting08>painting08.dae"
And Done! I wrote this tutorial without going through it myself, so if there's any problems, just ask!