asMapName - the file to load
asStartPos - the name of the StartPos on the next map
asStartSound - the sound that is played when the change starts
asEndSound - the sound that is played when the new map is loaded
So If I wanted that to trigger with a note, would the line of script be "AddEntityPlayerInteractCallback("", "note_4", "ChangeMap", "")"
For that, try:
void OnStart() //OnEnter if you're making him enter the map in the first place.
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("note_4", "Note_mapchanger", true);
asMusic - the music to play (including .ogg)
abLoopMusic - determines whether the music should loop
asTextCat - the category to be used in the .lang file (must be “Ending”)
asTextEntry - the entry in the .lang file (must be “MainCredits”)
alEndNum - Amnesia has 3 different endings and displays a code at the bottom. Determines which code is displayed. 0-2 will display codes, any other integer will not.
And to make that when the player goes through a door, would that have to be run when the player is leaving the map? (So under // Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()
As for this, make an area box on the other side of the door and name it "ending_area". Then try this script function:
void OnStart() //OnEnter if originally entering the map.
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "ending_area", "RollCredits", true, 1);
void RollCredits(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
void StartCredits("MUSIC.ogg", true, "CATEGORY_IN_.lang", "ENTRY_IN_.lang", "HONESTLY, I'M NOT SURE WHAT THIS DOES");
lemme know if these scripts work out correctly. and DON'T FORGET to try "OnLeave" if it isn't working. I haven't used it yet, so I don't know how "OnLeave" works exactly...
Thanks, I'll try these out. @Statyk
The script layout you gave me didn't work, this is my script, in case I didn't do it right: