Hello people!
I am currently working on a custom story for Amnesia called: Lost (might change the name later)
I've come abit now and I am almost done with Ch01 for my Story. What I need now is voices. I've gotten help from 2 old friends to make some of the voices but 2 of them I just can't get. One of them is the main characters wife, the other one is a "Mad man". Mad as in angry that is.
So... because of this I would like to request help from 2 persons here on the forums. One of them needs to be a girl obviously

, but the other one I just need someone who can sound collected but Mad, kinda grinding you're teeth mad
The things I need said is as follows.
Main Characters Wife 1:
Main Characters Wife 2:
Mad Man
Ofc if I include you into the Custom story you will get your name (or forum name) in the Credits
Thanks in Advance
// Freeoath