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Apparent glitch in Justine DLC
treesy Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Apparent glitch in Justine DLC

Hi everyone. This is my first post so please be gentle, i couldn't find anywhere specifically for the Justine DLC so I'm putting this here. Maybe Custom Stories would have been better? I'm unsure!

When I get to the flooded basement area, I get the lever and open the first door and I hear the unsavory fellow spawn, I run into the hallway on the right that leads to the room that has a cogwheel on the table. I assume you need this because I've run into the left room before and i see a machine room with a spoke or two and i know the front door needs fixed (crapped my pants finding that one out on the fly). Anyway I've gotten this result twice now - I go into the cogwheel room, i creep out to the corner of the corridor, the guy is patrolling the central room like normal so i carefully creep back into the cogwheel room. Everything is fine, but as soon as i pick up the cogwheel, the "run for your life" siren plays but he never comes. If i go out into the central room, i can see that he tries to make a bee-line straight for me from where he was standing when i picked up the cogwheel, and if something is his path (like the raised floor in the center of the room) he just runs in place until i try to creep around him and then he pummels me.

I'm using steam on windows if that matters.
09-24-2011, 01:56 AM
Kman Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Apparent glitch in Justine DLC

i'm not very good with this kind of stuff, but for starters you're doing the puzzle wrong. you said he came into the second room right after you picked up the cog wheel which means you're probably not noticing the lever on the other side of the first door. if you pull that lever the door will close and it will hold him back long enough for you to get to the room with the machine with the cog in hand. i really don't know how to make it so he doesn't get stuck anymore, but maybe if you do that it will fix the problem.

Posting Freak
09-24-2011, 02:51 AM
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treesy Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: Apparent glitch in Justine DLC

Oh, thanks so much! Yeah one of the last things I'd do with a monster chasing me is turn around and face it especially when death is final. I'll go ahead and make sure I close the door behind me, thank you! Sorry about that ^^;
09-24-2011, 04:14 AM

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