(10-01-2011, 06:21 AM)Obliviator27 Wrote: extra_english.lang
It's lowercase.
Anyhow, You want your .hps to be in the same folder your .map file is, and they have to have the same name.
so in your case,
And your .cfg file should be
Name = "LivingNightmare"
Author = "Electrofuze"
Imgfile = "Amnesia-Shambles"
Mapsfolder = "Maps/Ch01/"
Startmap = "00_TheHowling.map
Startpos = "PlayerStartArea_2"
I doubt the order in which those terms appear is important, but I switched them around to what I have just in case.
Its strange i switched it to your order it didnt work then i played around with it no luck Since your an expert

. Can you make sure my order on what i did is correct because i have a feeling my hps folder is messed up.and just to let you know i am using notepad++
Name = "LivingNightmare"
Author = "Electrofuze"
Imgfile = "Amnesia-Shambles"
Mapsfolder = "Maps/Ch01/"
Startmap = "00_TheHowling.map
Startpos = "PlayerStartArea_2"
// Run first time starting map
void OnStart()
AddUseItemCallback("", "SmallStorageRoomkey", "SmallStorageRoom", "UsedKeyOnDoor", true);
void UsedKeyOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetSwingDoorLocked("Smallstorageroom", false, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", "SmallStorageRoom", 0, false);
// Run when entering map
void OnEnter()
// Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()
<CATEGORY Name="Livingnightmare">
<Entry Name="Description">Just a description.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Explaining_Name">Explaining</Entry>
<Entry Name="Explaining_Text">This is a test note.</Entry>
thats what i have and for the locations
My customstory settings are in my Livingnightmare Directory same goes for extra english lang
and then Maps/ch01 i have my map and my hps folder
I hope thats correct oh and thank you for helping me alot to i gave you rep your aswome lol