(10-04-2011, 11:19 PM)Jazstar Wrote: ... Right click. You right click to rotate the map. I feel like an idiot XD
That solves all my problems (so far
) right there. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to me ^^
"alt" is your best friend when using the Perspective window. Honestly, I hit Spacebar when my mouse is over the Perspective window and do all the map-making from there. I NEVER use the "Top", "Right", or "Front" views. lol
Some controls in perspective view:
1) alt + Left Click (holding) = rotates the camera around the axis given in the center.
2) alt + Mouse Wheel Click (holding) = Pans the viewpoint (moves the blue center axis)
3) alt + Right Click (holding) = FINE zooms the camera in/out. Good for getting inside the desks and closets.
4) Mouse Wheel = COARSE zooms the camera in/out. Fast zooming.
5) Before PLACING entity/static_object, "Q" and "W" will rotate the object. (TIP: Place the object down anywhere, see where it's facing. Press Ctrl+Z to undo the placement. Then use "Q" or "W" to rotate the object before placing. This helps prevent wasted time by placing, clicking the entity, and rotating it using the "circles")
6) Ctrl+Z = Undo
Ctrl+X = Redo
Ctrl+D = Duplicate object exactly. (Good for making long walls/rooms)
7) When an object/entity/etc. is selected after placement, "Q" will allow arrows for moving the object along the X, Y, and Z axis; "W" will allow you to rotate the object; and "E" will allow you to change the scale of the object.
This is all you need to control that area. At least all "I" use and it's quite effective. =] Hope this helps!