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Live Amnesia Play Event by R4tch3t!
MelloYello Offline
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Live Amnesia Play Event by R4tch3t!

*NEW* Dec 18 EDIT!: R4tch3t's back and he's gonna attempt Amnesia again! xD How far will he make it this time?!
[Image: 35b6m4x.jpg]

NEW! Amnesia Night part 2! Join us on R4tch3t's Live Stream November 12, 2011 at 9pm EST

[Image: amnesianightpart2banner.jpg]

Edit: Halloween Event is over and it was awesome! Thanks to those who stopped in. We'll post information for the next live stream when we get him to pick a day =P

Missed the event? Well no worries, you can see the whole stream on youtube! (Videos being posted daily if possible, until the whole stream is available for viewing).

http://www.youtube.com/user/alliance11111 - Subscribe and keep updated on new video postings!

Hey everyone! I'm just letting anyone who is interested know that there will be a live streaming gameplay event on Halloween featuring this awesome game Amnesia! My sister and I LOVE this game and so we talked our very scardy cat friend into playing it live on Halloween night. So come join us while we watch and make fun of him crying in the corner while he plays! =P The victim is our good friend Ratchet (hopefully not former friend soon tho, haha)! Mello (me) and my sister Darkbugg will be live on the mic, and we encourage others who want to participate to come and make fun of him in the text chat with us! Thanks and Have a Happy and Spoooky Halloween! =)

[Image: RatchetHalloweenAd_B2.jpg]

What: Ratchet Halloween Live Streaming Event - Featuring Amnesia
When: Oct. 31st - 9pm EST
Where: www.justin.tv/11alliance111
Who: Ratchet, Mello, Darkbugg, and YOU! =D

1. He's never played the game before.
2. Scary games really freak him out... hahaha
3. We are not responsible for any swearing (or crying, pants wetting, screaming, etc.) that might occur.
(This post was last modified: 12-18-2011, 07:25 PM by MelloYello.)
10-14-2011, 10:59 PM
Jazstar Offline

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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

Haha, that sounds fantastic!
Remember the essentials!

1. Many spare pairs of underwear
2. A paper bag for hyperventilating
3. A dark room - no light allowed at all, besides the monitor

And it won't hurt if you arrange someone to jump in and scare him half-way through ^^
10-15-2011, 06:17 AM
Cryaotic Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

But... what about the candy?!

10-15-2011, 07:51 AM
R4tch3t Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

(10-15-2011, 07:51 AM)Cryaotic Wrote: But... what about the candy?!
I steal my kids' candies, I think they'll have plenty for me to eat while I play the game =P
10-15-2011, 07:53 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

(10-15-2011, 07:51 AM)Cryaotic Wrote: But... what about the candy?!

Posting Freak
10-15-2011, 09:37 AM
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MelloYello Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

Thanks Jazstar! Hehe yea we're gonna let him handle paper bag and xtra underwear part Tongue haha But yes! We ARE gonna make him turn ALL the lights off. There's just no other way to play Amnesia! We'd LOVE to get someone to jump out while he's playing, but we are from Florida and he's in Canada...bah! An awesome idea though!

And what about the candy?! Ummm....good point! I suggest you bring plenty. Big Grin Muwahahahaha

But, for any who can't make it to the show and still want to see Ratchet crying like a fool, we're planning to get it uploaded to youtube afterward, if possible.
10-15-2011, 05:46 PM
Jazstar Offline

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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

Oh, do you know any of his family or friends in Canada? Tongue
10-15-2011, 08:23 PM
MelloYello Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

We don't really know any of them, but even if we did, the main problem would be that they only speak french (he's the only one that really speaks both french and english in his house!). And Bugg and I only know a couple words of french xD haha. Otherwise, I DEFINITELY would have talked one of them into scaring him good while he plays. Tongue
10-15-2011, 10:03 PM
Jazstar Offline

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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

Haha, nice.
Aw well, he'll be scared enough playing Amnesia. In the dark. Alone. With headphones in? *evil grin*

What time zone are you in? I'm too lazy to go look it up Tongue And since I live in Australia, your 9pm... Will maybe be early in the morning for me? I don't know XD
10-16-2011, 02:38 AM
MelloYello Offline
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RE: Live Amnesia Play Halloween Event by Ratchet!

He's done a few minutes into the game and got scared already xD so that's why we're making him save playing more for a Halloween livestream! Haha, him getting scared won't be a problem! Bugg and I are gonna be on a voice chat with him while he plays, so we get to make spooky noises at him and call him a wuss if he goes hiding! And anyone who watches along with us can use the side chat there if they want, and Bugg and I will let him know that ya'll watching are calling him a wuss too! Tongue

Other than that..he will be in the dark....alone...with Amnesia!!! Hahahaha I can't wait xD

We're in the Eastern Standard Time. So yea I imagine it will be in the morning for you! =O We'll probably gonna try and talk him into playing it as late as possible xD so whenever you get a chance to drop by, we'd be glad to see you there!
10-16-2011, 04:23 AM

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