You couldn't find it? Or did you just not take the time? I found it within 1 minute. Anyway, here is PewDiePie's Background for Amnesia created by: GhastDagger
To install this, go to the Amnesia root folder
(Steam users

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Common\Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Once you're in this folder, locate the 'main_menu' folder and in that folder click on 'main'
Copy and Paste the custom downloaded background and overwrite it.
(Make sure you backup the original
Non-Steam Users:
Once you're in the 'redist' folder, locate the map called 'main_menu' and in that folder select 'main'
Copy and paste the custom downloaded background and overwrite it.
(Make sure you backup the original
If you have (for any reason) accidently delete the original '' you can get the original file here: (credits: ZyLogicX)