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Can't create a profile.
Vayhef Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Can't create a profile.

First, I would like to apologize because I'm from France, and maybe I'll make grammatical mistakes, or some others things 8)
Well, I bought this game today, because I would play it with a friend, with skype. But, when I am on the main menu of amnesia, where it asks you to create a profile to play, I type my name, click on "create", but IT DOESN'T WORK. No profile is created è.é. And if I retry, it makes the same thing. That's very annoying, and moreover, I didn't find any subject about this ( except one that didn not help me at all ).
So, please, help me T.T
10-29-2011, 09:58 PM
Urkle Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Can't create a profile.

Can you post your hpl.log file?

It is located in ~/.frictionalgames/Amnesia/Main/

Also what exact name are you entering? Does it have any non-ASCII characters? (e.g. anything with an accent or grave)

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10-30-2011, 08:00 PM
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Vayhef Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Can't create a profile.

I searched for the hpl.log file but I didn't see anything é.è
I'm just entering "Vayhef", and as you can see, there's no non-ASCII characters u.u
Oh, BTW... I've just seen that I was on the thread "Linux", that's a mistake from me >.<, I'm on Windows 7. Sorry 8)

Wait, WTF, I've just try to launch Amesia, and an error file appears, it says "Could not load main init file: Vayhef"
What does it mean ? é.è
10-30-2011, 08:09 PM
Greatwhite212 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Can't create a profile.

hello i would like some help but don't know if you could help me or not. I am no windows and would love to know how to make a profile i cant make a profile because i type in a name and this is the name i type in: greatwhite212 and it won't make a profile please help me?

P.S i am on windows Vista.
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2012, 08:38 PM by Greatwhite212.)
10-30-2012, 08:35 PM

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