Inspired by the Teamnesia project currently going on, but on a much more compact scale.
So what's going on here? Pretty much, Russ Money and I came up with the idea to make a challenge giving the creators only 24 hours to make a custom story. That's right, just 24 hours. We want to get a few custom story creators in on this little challenge to see what kind of work they can dish out in such a short amount of time.
The maps will all be linked together in a hub (again inspired by the Teamnesia project) so that when it is all finished they all can be played from just one custom story download. Simple as that!
What are the rules? The rules are quite standard really. You have 24 hours starting from scratch to complete a custom story in that time. That time includes sleeping, eating, social life, everything - because of that you have been given a one week window to make some time for this little project of hardcore righteousness.
Spoiler below!
Use only messages, no notes.
What I'm defining as a message is the pop-up text while the player is playing.
Normally in your .lang file those messages look like this:
Use as many as you like, just make sure they're in working order and have a very unique name!
Name your maps something that wouldn't be named by someone else's map - aka try to avoid naming your maps something like 001 but more of something like [insertnameofcustomstory]start01 or similiar. It helps!
Due Date:November 29th by Midnight EST
Current finished stories:
Acies Palistov - Journey to Brennenburg JMFStorm devin413 - Scary Noises Kman - Grave Robber's Nightmare Obliviator27 - Sewers of Oblivion Statyk - Hunter Appjm Vradcly - Tunnel Vision Mikhail - Echoes of the Past
Good luck and happy creating!
Note: The completed custom story will be played on my livestreamSunday at 1am EST (That is Saturday night) if you lot would like to stop by - should be good times!
Sidenote: The 24-hour limit is based on scout's honor. As we can't truly monitor how long you took to make the custom story, we'll take your word it was only 24 hours. Be honest please!
(11-23-2011, 01:46 AM)Statyk Wrote: If I find time to do this, I'm so pitching in =] 24 hours doesn't seem too bad. lol How are the rules on custom files?
Just make sure to include this with you custom story when you post it.
I have a rather interesting idea for a game play element which I have no clue as to whether or not it would be possible to make. Will try to make a map out of it and take part but probably won't get around to do any work until the weekend sadly. I can't promise anything though (I don't even know if it will be possible or if i will have the time) but I will try my best .
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2011, 04:31 AM by Apjjm.)
I think I'm signing up for this. Will start in a couple of hours (perhaps). Suggestion for it: Make each map simply transport you to the next (linear playstyle instead of hub). It will be like the child's game where one person starts a story, the next continues and so forth making it a completely messy story - but still funny!
Will be a little messy creation process, but simply give each person who signs up a number (possibly update the first post with forum names and numbers beside them). Number 4 sends number 5 a short text with his part. Number 5 sends a pm to number 6 and so forth. Everyone will simply know what happens in the previous map, but not the whole concept of it.
(11-23-2011, 05:01 AM)Acies Wrote: I think I'm signing up for this. Will start in a couple of hours (perhaps). Suggestion for it: Make each map simply transport you to the next (linear playstyle instead of hub). It will be like the child's game where one person starts a story, the next continues and so forth making it a completely messy story - but still funny!
Will be a little messy creation process, but simply give each person who signs up a number (possibly update the first post with forum names and numbers beside them). Number 4 sends number 5 a short text with his part. Number 5 sends a pm to number 6 and so forth. Everyone will simply know what happens in the previous map, but not the whole concept of it.
But perhaps this isn't story focused maps? 8-)
The maps won't be story focused - as a whole. And I'll be doing the introduction/hub level. Also, no need to add a lantern to your map, it will be given during the introduction maps.
I bet I can design the map beforehand right? If so, I will most likely do this on friday. I even have experience with staying awake 24hours mapping so, why not?