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RockBand's TC Help Thread :P
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

(01-09-2012, 02:15 AM)Your Computer Wrote: PreMenu category isn't closed. Can't find anything else wrong with it, unless i'm blind.
Ah, thank you, it's fixed now! The weird thing is I was nagging my friend for not closing his categories earlier :|

Also, even though I've linked the Archives.map file with the door in my first map, every time I go through my level door, it says

Could Not Load World File maps/overnighthorror/.map

It's like I didn't link my maps, but I have and that's the odd thing. There is no .map_cache file to delete, so I'm stumped. I mean, I could always make a script in front of the door that can be interacted with and use the ChangeMap command, but I am not really sure how to make it so you can only interact with the script :|

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2012, 02:57 AM by RawkBandMan.)
01-09-2012, 02:51 AM
Statyk Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

(01-09-2012, 02:51 AM)XxRoCkBaNdMaNxX Wrote: Also, even though I've linked the Archives.map file with the door in my first map, every time I go through my level door, it says

Could Not Load World File maps/overnighthorror/.map

It's like I didn't link my maps, but I have and that's the odd thing. There is no .map_cache file to delete, so I'm stumped. I mean, I could always make a script in front of the door that can be interacted with and use the ChangeMap command, but I am not really sure how to make it so you can only interact with the script :|
Did you set a spawn position in the door's "SpawnPos"?
01-09-2012, 03:07 AM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

(01-09-2012, 03:07 AM)Statyk Wrote:
(01-09-2012, 02:51 AM)XxRoCkBaNdMaNxX Wrote: Also, even though I've linked the Archives.map file with the door in my first map, every time I go through my level door, it says

Could Not Load World File maps/overnighthorror/.map

It's like I didn't link my maps, but I have and that's the odd thing. There is no .map_cache file to delete, so I'm stumped. I mean, I could always make a script in front of the door that can be interacted with and use the ChangeMap command, but I am not really sure how to make it so you can only interact with the script :|
Did you set a spawn position in the door's "SpawnPos"?
Yes, but does the PlayerStartArea in the second map have to be named differently then the ones in the current map?

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
01-09-2012, 03:21 PM
Khyrpa Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

(01-09-2012, 03:21 PM)XxRoCkBaNdMaNxX Wrote: Yes, but does the PlayerStartArea in the second map have to be named differently then the ones in the current map?
Nope, that shouldn't matter. You most likely have a typo somewhere.

that doesnt look right, its like you have folder inside maps folder named overnighthorror and that folder has .map
try to name it without .map I'm not sure if its needed. Test things...

01-09-2012, 03:34 PM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

I figured it out. I have backup of my maps and it turns out I was editing my backups instead of my maps inside maps/overnighthorror/


I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
01-10-2012, 12:01 AM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: My TC Help Thread :P

IGN0RE PL0X, This was so I could see my friend's script in PHP.

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2012, 12:57 AM by RawkBandMan.)
01-15-2012, 12:53 AM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: RockBand's TC Help Thread :P

Okay a real problem now.

I added a few scripts to my first map, and now I get

Unexpected End of File (63, 2)

void OnStart()
AddUseItemCallback("", "key_tower_1", "level_wood_1", "UseKeyOnDoor", true);
AddEntityCollideCallback("", "Player", "friends", "completequest", true);
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("Archives", "Locked", true);
AddEntityCollideCallback("", "Player", "friends_1", "micheal", true);

void wakeUp () {
    StartPlayerLookAt("level_wood_1", 11.0f, 11.0f, "");
    FadeOut(0);     // Instantly fades the screen out. (Good for starting the game)
    FadeIn(10);      // Amount of seconds the fade in takes
    FadeImageTrailTo(2, 2);
    FadeSepiaColorTo(100, 4);
    FadePlayerRollTo(50, 220, 220);                 // "Tilts" the players head
    FadeRadialBlurTo(0.15, 2);
    SetPlayerCrouching(true);              // Simulates being on the ground
    AddTimer("trig1", 16.0f, "beginStory");            // Change '11.0f' to however long you want the 'unconciousness' to last

void beginStory(string &in asTimer){
    FadePlayerRollTo(0, 33, 33);        // Change all settings to defaults
    FadeRadialBlurTo(0.0, 1);
    FadeSepiaColorTo(0, 4);
    AddQuest("friendsquest", "FriendsQuest");

void UseKeyOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetLevelDoorLocked(level_wood_1", false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", "level_wood_1", 0, false);

void completequest(string &in asEntity)
SetMessage("Messages", "A", 7.0f);
GiveSanityDamage(10.0f, true);
PlayGuiSound("react_pant4.ogg", 1.0f);

void Locked(string &in asEntity)
AddQuest("lockedlvl", "LockedLvl");
SetMessage("Messages", "G", 7.0f);

void micheal(string &in asEntity)
SetMessage("Messages", "B", 7.0f);
GiveSanityDamage(10.0f, true);
PlayGuiSound("react_scare5.ogg", 1.0f);

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
01-15-2012, 10:05 PM
Your Computer Offline

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RE: RockBand's TC Help Thread :P

UseKeyOnDoor -> SetLevelDoorLocked, improper string (though you should really consider using the parameter variables).

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01-15-2012, 10:28 PM
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RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: RockBand's TC Help Thread :P

Now whenever I click on my level door, it goes through it and crashes instantly with no error message or anything (not even in the hpl.log). Could anyone help? (Yes I have a map set in the Level Editor on the door...)

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
01-15-2012, 11:22 PM
RawkBandMan Offline
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RE: RockBand's TC Help Thread :P

Thanks Your Computer what you said fixed it, but I still have the crashing instantly problem..

I've come to learn to not fear the living, nor the dead... But the monsters that hide in closets.
01-16-2012, 02:40 AM

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