Alright, I watched all your videos, copied EXACTLY what you wrote down, I'll post all the files of cfg, lang etc on here so you can look over it hopefully, I'm not sure what I did wrong, it just doesn't show up in my list of custom Stories:
Cfg file:
Name ="Fire"
Author ="Fyre"
MapsFolder ="maps/"
StartMap =""
StartPos ="PlayerStartArea_1"
This is my lang. File:
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You're not alone</Entry>
This is my hps file, since I'm not an experienced map creator I did not add scripts
I have heard of something about the lantern needing a script... I do have a lantern on my map.
void OnStart()
In my folders-
Fire (The custom story)-
maps (Folder)
Inside the maps folder-
Toms.hps (Yes I made sure that it is a hps file, all of the files that needed the transition from the text to lang, or hps or something).
-If you see any errors I would appreciate it
