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Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays
Your Computer Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

That i did and do, but the mirror always reflects what is in front of it. For can it not also be said the same for those receiving judgement? For isn't destruction the path of those who do not consider council? For by our wallets they too can observe themselves diving into poverty, but it is their own judgement that may spare them, and our judgement that inspire them. A god seeks not council from mortals, for the god is greater than man. But a man should never assume divinity, lest he perish. Many may know themselves, but many also question themselves, while others live in oblivion. It is those that are in oblivion that judgement seeks to provide salvation, for the others already have judgement by their side.

If judgement is ever in error, it is merely for the sake of further observation. For how can one learn through observation if there is nothing to observe? Observation, then, calls out to Judgement, saying, "I see nothing," and Judgement responds, "There should be something to observe, even if what is observed is disappointing or undesirable." Nevertheless, Observation can only take in so much before calling out to Judgement again. And so, here we are, the Second Pass of Judgement. The whole Earth embracing Judgement, as is proper; embracing until Observation is satisfied. And Observation won't be satisfied until the false gods accept council.

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(This post was last modified: 02-02-2012, 03:25 AM by Your Computer.)
02-02-2012, 03:19 AM
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J.R.S.S. Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

Men tend to see the reflection in the mirror not what they wish it to be. A whole entity different from whom they see themselves thus creating two beings of separate minds but of close resemblance. From one way council is not needed to be saved from destruction. That speaks of just one path, one way to the salvation that is spoken of. If destruction is what we comprehend it to be then violence contributes to that being. What is judgment but the harsh act of comparing ones life to another? I speak again of observation is not an empty word. Once observed diving into poverty one may use the knowledge that that being posses to take another path or if it wishes to stay on that path. Who are we to judge one mans path from our own? Gods we are not. Morals we stand and rights we share but powerless over such ideas. A wish a wish I only give to the great people; all do not follow such a way. Judgment is given and violence is issued. If judgment can be so right as one may say then let it be kindness. Though to the mind of most, it is used for the personal act of thyself in it's way of thinking.

The two peers need not each other to function. Observation acts on what one man sees in another and then uses what he has seen to what could be done to improve that mans being. Not from his own feelings or personal morals but from learning of the other mans own morals and reasons. Learning is the answer to the never ending question of judgment or observation. Why call out to judgment when there is more to learn? Once a man sees that he is being judged not then the more the one observing will discover. Judgment is always in error. Judgment again is only told by one mans thoughts and morals. If even one being disagrees then the judgment is at an error. Can one disagree with a observation? If one truly knows how such a process functions then no. No one may disagree unless being wronged by himself. Judgments brother is Should. The word without a meaning. To the universe it is empty while to a single mind with judgment it is everything. Though to each man it is his own, not alike the others. If Judgment and Should are brothers then Violence is the father. For it spawns the two to integrate into the human mind, lashing out uncontrolled thoughts without reason or patience. Judgments do not exist if taken time to think. If the time is taken then the man with the thought will begin it's own salvation to the reasoning of learning and no rash thought.

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
H.P. Lovecraft
"The White Ship"
02-02-2012, 08:05 AM
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Your Computer Offline

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Big Grin  RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

While observation speaks, it can only speak in ways that judgement understands. Few are the words of observation, for it is not capable of saying anything more. To say any more is to take on a role other than itself. To question, to be curious, to respond and decide: these are all attributes not of observation, for observation is not capable of these things. Therefore observation calls out to others not like itself; judgement being its closest friend; curiosity being the next. These things come forth, not from violence, but from observation; not as parent and child, but as friends. Violence stems only from judgement, not vice versa, and only when judgement has concluded there is no other way to bring salvation. Violence is a last resort, never a first, for judgement, except perhaps where false judgement exists.

Perhaps you have not yet been able to separate observation from judgement and judgement from observation, for you mention observation is capable of acting beyond mere observation, and speak mostly, if not only, of false judgement wherever judgement is concerned. Perhaps, my friend, it is time to step back and observe, observe what i have seen, if only to fully isolate judgement. Step back and watch how judgement turns false gods into men who produce good fruit--fruit worthy of purchase. See for yourself judgement that exists without violence. Who could pass up such an offer? Indeed, there is plenty more to see, but never without judgement.

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02-02-2012, 08:44 PM
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J.R.S.S. Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

I have spent many hours thinking of what has been said. My mind thinks as I read and as I wonder. Disagreement is all I can find. From where you say I know not the difference between Judgment and Observation I call to you with the same saying. Judgment is given throughout all of a mans life. Including you and myself. Observation is not such a item that is seen by the masses. It sits in one mans mind as he uses it while Judgment is used with a strong voice and strong feelings. It is of such difficulties to separate the two and for one to know when he uses one or the other. To some there is no difference and the ones who do recognize they do not know or wish to separate them. You say Judgment may be used without violence and that is true. Though is it used without violence is the true question. Judgment in this world of ours is used to bring forth violence. Whether meant or not it is. Judgment is harsh, it is a function meant to only appeal to one man and that is the man judging. Judgment is not a saint, it is not needed to survive, it is a weapon.

You are correct as you say one may call to Judgment once one man is Observed. Though you give it no chance, no reason. Why must Judgment be called? Curiosity is there to be with observation. Wonder is close by next to Appeal. Judgment exist in all men yes and sits with the rest but it may not have to be called. It may be named a natural item used by all and exist within us but who says it must be used? Listen to my words good man and listen closely. Judgment is not a being to help the fellow man. It is not a being to follow along the other attributes like it's brothers. When a man judges another man he does not use information gathered from a holy place. He puts his own morals; his own standards and his own right and wrong on that man and if that man does not coincide with them then he thinks wrong of that man and says he must change. Judgment does not lead to a path which all may end up on for salvation. No. Each man has his thoughts and thus judgment allows him to place it on others. When he judges another man that man may judge him and respond with violence. Judgment brings no good and as my words have said before; when it does then it is a gift of kindness. Though a Judgment of good is not plentiful and only when two men are very similar will it be kindness.

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
H.P. Lovecraft
"The White Ship"
02-04-2012, 04:28 AM
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Oddity007 Offline
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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

for: sheep, ponder

for: witness, observe

for: judge, decide
for: jury, I question
Hark! For I can utter no sensible reason.
for: the mind,
for: the sheep,
thus: remain interested
Cut C:
It was winter yet, the mind mostly frozen in the wonders of the depths (Foul, pretentious depths!). The Shaper's spun reason marked days with amazement. Such was the fate of sheep. To hell with them all! I, Listener, Persecutor of Reason, Consumer of Lies!
02-05-2012, 04:02 AM
Kurton Offline
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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

Thus I ponder many a day upon the half-opened pouch of Skittles containing within its physiological concept the true meaning of what mankind has come to - a destiny to lie in the wastebasket residing in the far corner of the room. From whence was naught, what we have come to behold as "God" shall bestow upon us the many 2-for-$0.50 Top Ramen containers blessed with Shrimp flavoring.

(This post was last modified: 02-05-2012, 05:15 AM by Kurton.)
02-05-2012, 05:14 AM
Oddity007 Offline
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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

To the shrimp! RAmen!
02-05-2012, 04:32 PM
Kurton Offline
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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

So surely Observation, brother of Judgment, will bequeath his Magic the Gathering collection and further the breadth of his consciousness by bringing to an end his World of Warcraft subscription.

02-05-2012, 08:51 PM
boredgunner Offline
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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

02-14-2012, 05:34 AM
Carrna Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

Well that's exactly how I've been feeling for years already. *points at the headline* Like a mummy. I still love and play games I used to play when I was a kid, but there's only very few new games I'm interested in.

Somehow I feel the older were more challenging - yes, I was younger when I played them for the first time but still I play them and think I find them being more challenging than most of the new stuff - they had interesting characters, plot and awesome music. Nowadays it just feels like most of game developers are ignoring everything else except neat graphics. I find pixel stuff very nostalgic, not really beautiful, but the poor graphics don't bother me much as long as everything else works. I don't either find some perfectly realistic looking games being interesting. You see realistic people and and landscapes every day. I don't want to watch those things while playing too. I want to see and experience something out of this world.

In new games I also get the impression they're often underestimating their players. I don't think tutorials are necessary, and if they absolutely want to make a tutorial they should make it very short or skippable. I like to find out myself what happens from which button. I don't want to listen to 10 minutes when I'm explained what will happen if I push a button. Probably the most irritating tutorial ever so far was in Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly where the dragonfly stops at every frigging crystal, portal, sheep etc. stuff to explain what they are and what I'm supposed to do with them. I was nearly ripping my hair off and screaming "LET ME PLAY ALREADY AND STFU."

I also like more games where you're allowed to examine the environment and find stuff for yourself. I find it very boring if there's just one tube-like place you have to go through without any freedom to go where you want. (Probably the only exception for me is Crash Bandicoot 1-3.) It's like the game is holding your hand so that you won't accidentally push wrong buttons or go to a wrong way. That's quite 100% way to make sure I fed up and quit the game.

There's so few new games I actually like and which I've played more than once that I can even say them here without the list getting too long: Oddworld Munch's Oddysee, Okami, Amnesia and Penumbras. If we count online games as well then there's also L4D2 and World of Warcraft. The others I've tried I've either quit before finishing or sold away after finishing. : <

02-14-2012, 08:27 AM
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